Monday, May 18, 2009

A little bit about your instructor

Hello again, guys! Here is a little introduction about myself:

My name is Ronaldo, I live in Brasília, and I teach English. This is a recent picture of mine. I like technology very much.

That's it.

In the comments area, write what you think about my introduction. You can use the following questions to help you:
  • Is my introduction complete? If so, what extra information do you think would be relevant? If not, what else would you like to know about me?
  • How could my introduction be better connected?
  • Do you think the picture plays an important role in an online introduction? Why (not)?

Welcome, Practical Writing students!

Hello students and welcome to our blog!

A blog is a place where the author writes posts - like the one you are reading - and visitors leave comments. We will use this blog - (remember not to include www.) - to exchange ideas about writing and to do some tasks to better prepare you for your writing activities.

In order to comment, all you have to do is click the "# comments" link right after the post:

In the next window, you type your comment in the text window, proofread your message, sign your message and hit the "publish your comment button". If you use gmail or orkut, this means you already have a google account, so you can sign using "google/blogger" identity, but if you don't have a google account, you can choose the "name/url" identity and write your name before publishing your comment. Finally, if you want to receive the following comments on that post in your email, don't forget to check the "email follow-up comments to your email" before publishing:

Most important of all, don't be afraid! If you have any questions or make mistakes, I'm here to help you.
