Hello everyone, there are a few things I`d like to share with you about myself.I'm Vinicius Lemos and I was born in Brasília in 1976. I`m single and I have two brothers and a sister, all younger than me. I`ve lived here all my life. As a matter of fact, everyone in my family lives in Brasília, except for my mother, who lives in Florianópolis. I have been an English teacher for sixteen years, nine of which at Casa Thomas Jefferson. Nowadays, I`m working at the Sudoeste branch and I really like my job because I always have the opportunity to meet new people and share with them so many interesting things about the English language and other things about life in general. As a teacher, I have a very busy life, but there are many things I like to do in my spare time. On weekends, for example, I go running at the park and, after that, I visit my grandmother or my father. We have lunch together and it`s the opportunity I have to meet some relatives and talk to them for a little bit. Whenever I have some free time, I like to dance hip hop, which is definitely my favorite hobby. I also like studying languages. Indeed, I study Italian and Spanish and I must say it`s been a wild experience, but I`m enjoying it very much. Last year I had one one my dreams come true: I traveled to France. To be honest, I love visiting different countries and learning about other cultures. This picture was taken at the Versailles Palace, in France. It was my favorite place there! In sum, I think I`m a very happy person because I`m able to work with something I really like and I also have time to do so many things I enjoy.
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